Raven Core
P2P Digital Currency
This is the complete list of members for LockedPoolManager, including all inherited members.
_instance | LockedPoolManager | privatestatic |
alloc(size_t size) | LockedPool | |
ARENA_ALIGN | LockedPool | static |
ARENA_SIZE | LockedPool | static |
CreateInstance() | LockedPoolManager | privatestatic |
free(void *ptr) | LockedPool | |
init_flag | LockedPoolManager | privatestatic |
Instance() | LockedPoolManager | inlinestatic |
LockedPool(std::unique_ptr< LockedPageAllocator > allocator, LockingFailed_Callback lf_cb_in=nullptr) | LockedPool | explicit |
LockedPool(const LockedPool &other)=delete | LockedPool | |
LockedPoolManager(std::unique_ptr< LockedPageAllocator > allocator) | LockedPoolManager | explicitprivate |
LockingFailed() | LockedPoolManager | privatestatic |
LockingFailed_Callback typedef | LockedPool | |
operator=(const LockedPool &)=delete | LockedPool | |
stats() const | LockedPool | |
~LockedPool() | LockedPool |