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EvrLight and Nostr4Evr
*EvrLight uses Evrmore as Layer-1 for diverse Lightning assets like Bitcoin is Layer-1 for Lightning money*

Protocol Details of EvrLight

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For a higher-level overview of how EvrLight works, compared to how other Asset technologies interact with Bitcoin-Lightning and their limitations, go HERE

A TLDR of the protocol for Lightning experts is available HERE

A brief history of Bitcoin Hash-Time-Locked-Contract Applications
  1. The Cross-Chain Atomic Swap:
    -First proposed by Tier Nolan in 2013; implemented by Decred and Komodo; now in common use
    -A trade between Bitcoin and an Altcoin
  2. The Lightning Network
    -First proposed by Taj Dryja and Joseph Poon in 2016; implemented by Lightning Labs and Blockstream
  3. The Lightning Submarine Swap: Bitcoin-for-Lightning_Invoice_Payments
    -Proposed and implemented by Alex Bosworth in 2018
    -Alex also did it for LTC and BCH in place of BTC
  4. The Ravencoin testnet Assets-for-tBitcoin Atomic Swap
    -Executed and published by Hans Schmidt on testnet in 2021.
  5. EvrLight: Evrmore Assets-for-Lightning_Invoice_Payments Atomic Swap
    -Announced 2023-03-31
    -Note that EvrLight has embedded reverse submarine swaps for the EVR bundled with the assets

An EvrLight transaction is the execution of an agreement between a buyer and a seller whereby they agree that:
The buyer will pay an agreed upon number of Bitcoins to the seller by paying a Lightning Network invoice

The seller will deliver an agreed upon number of certain digital Assets on the Evrmore blockchain together with an agreed upon number of bundled EVR. The delivery will be made to an address generated from a public key which the buyer chooses, for which the buyer also holds the matching private key. They buyer may provide the address directly or he may provide the public key and the address will be generated for him

The exchange will be performed using the EvrLight protocol

Application consideration with EvrLight include:
The appropriate number of bundled EVR will vary based on fees but primarily based on application since an asset could be any of a long list of things including an event ticket, subscription, coupon, badge, authentication token, meme, share, or NFT. The number of times an asset would be expected to be transferred would therefor vary by application. At least one transfer will be required for the sweep/redeem portion of the protocol.

The buyer and the seller will both need software to participate in the exchange. In that sense it is no different than any internet sale in which the buyer needs a web-browser and the seller needs a shopping cart application. EvrLight is different in that the sale is trustless and atomic and the software is much simpler

EvrLight is designed to be a peer-to-peer protocol. In practice, it could be used in a client-server fashion if a single seller services many buyers using the same software

The buyer and seller must each decide on their terms for the agreement. But beyond that, the process can be fully automated. It could be used like a standard internet sale in which the buying human is actively involved. But it could also be used in an application where buyers and sellers post their offers to a shared bulletin board from which an orderbook is built with matching and trading taking place without further human involvement.

The buyer and seller of an asset may choose any communication channel for coordinating their EvrLight transactions. EvrLight is particularly well suited for use with Nostr due to its distributed protocol and its use of keys as user-IDs.

The EvrLight Protocol
The heart of EvrLight is based on Reverse Submarine Swap technology. Submarine Swaps are a special application of Hash-Time-Locked-Contracts often used with the Lightning Network. So to understand EvrLight it is necessary to understand Submarine Swaps; and before that it is necessary to first undrstand a few details about traditional (coin, not asset) cross-chain HTLC-based Atomic Swaps and a few details about Lightning.

The most important item to understand about a traditional (coin, not asset) cross-chain HTLC Atomic Swap is that the first party picks a secret and locks their coin into a contract locked by the hash of the secret. The second party does the same using the same hash, for which they do not know the secret preimage. But when the first party broadcasts a transaction to sweep/redeem their purchase, doing so reveals the secret preimage. The second party can then use the revealed secret to claim their purchase as well. Timeouts are added to each HTLC in order to refund the locked up coins in case either of the parties become uncooperative.

Submarine swaps are similar, but there is only one HTLC created, which locks Bitcoin into an on-chain contract locked by the hash of a secret. The second party pays a Lightning invoice which is locked to that same secret. Without getting into the details, it is important to understand that every Lightning invoice contains a hash, and the secret preimage of that hash is revealed when the invoice is settled (paid). It is fundamental to the design of the Lightning Network that a successful payment is a 2-part process consisting of sending a payment for a given invoice along a Lightning Network route from sender to recipient and receiving the secret preimage for the payment back up the route so that all the nodes can settle the invoice and collect their routing fees.

The Lightning Network has two types of invoices- standard BOLT11 invoices, and hold (also called hodl) invoices.
For a standard BOLT11 invoice, the invoice issuer chooses the contained hash, and the secret preimage is revealed as soon as the invoice is paid.
For a hold/hodl invoice, when the invoice payer pays the invoice, the Lightning Network holds the payment until the secret pre-image is revealed. With a hold invoice there is also an additional option where the payment hash can be generated by someone different than the recipient. This additional option is used for Reverse Submarine Swaps and for EvrLight. From the payer's perspective, a hold invoice looks identical to a BOLT11 invoice- there is no way for the payer to know when a hold invoice is paid to the invoice issuer. But if the invoice times out before the secret pre-image is revealed then the funds will be returned to the payer. A Lightning node may have a max of 483 open hold invoices.

An invoice is also given an expiration time chosem by the issuer, which could be 10 minutes or less, or could be very long (there is no specified maximum time).

The Protocol Sequence for EvrLight is as Follows:
  • The owner of an asset and the buyer negotiate an agreement: how many Lightning Network Bitcoin will be paid for what quantity of assets and bundled EVR
  • The Lightning invoice payer (asset purchaser) chooses a secret (preimage)
  • The invoice payer sends the hash of that secret to the asset seller and asks him to issue an invoice 
  • The asset seller then issues a hold invoice using that hash chosen by the buyer and an expiration time he chooses
    • for LND use API call "/v2/invoices/hodl". See ""
  • The asset buyer then pays the invoice, protected by the knowledge that the invoice issuer cannot settle the invoice and get paid until the secret preimage is revealed
  • The asset seller (invoice issuer) then broadcasts a commit transaction to lock his on-chain asset(s) and bundled EVR into a pair of HTLC UTXOs on the Evrmore blockchain using the same hash
    • The HTLC UTXO for the asset(s) has Value=0 and an Evrmore-defined asset script appended to the P2SH locking script which performs the asset transfer into the HTLC
    • The HTLC for the bundled EVR is a standard P2SH transfer of the EVR into the HTLC to pay for anticipated future mining fees
    • He includes a timeout to refund to himself in case the buyer becomes uncooperative
  • The asset seller (invoice issuer) then informs the asset buyer of the HTLC transaction number
  • The asset buyer inspects the on-chain transaction to verify that it meets the terms of the agreement
  • The asset buyer then uses his secret preimage to create a sweep/redeem transaction which he broadcasts. That transaction unlocks the asset(s) and bundled EVR from the HTLC and moves them into his chosen final address
    • Both HTLC UTXOs of the commit transaction are used as inputs. The sweep transaction also has two outputs
    • The first output has Value=0 and an Evrmore-defined asset script appended to the P2PKH scriptPubKey which performs the asset transfer into the final address
    • The second HTLC is a standard P2PKH transfer of the bundled EVR minus the mining fee into the final address
    • Publishing this sweep transaction reveals the secret preimage by putting it on-chain in plaintext
  • The invoice issuer can then use the revealed secret preimage to settle the invoice and collect payment from the Lightning Network
    • For LND use API call "/v2/invoices/settle". See ""
  • In case the previous steps didn't occur and the HTLC times out because the asset buyer never did the sweep transaction to claim his purchase, the asset seller (invoice issuer) should build and broadcast his refund transaction in order to claim refund of his asset and bundled EVR from the HTLC contract.
    • The refund transaction must take place before the Lightning invoice expires. Otherwise the buyer may claim the asset after invoice expiry.

The following consideration apply to the protocol:
If the invoice approaches expiration without the buyer having claimed the asset, the asset seller must claim his refunded asset(s) and bundled EVR from the HTLCs to prevent the buyer from claiming them after invoice expiration. But beyond this simple precaution, there are no timeout risks and neither party needs to use a Watchtower service.

Both parties do, however, need their Lightning nodes to be online for the Lightning payment to execute successfully.

Note that this is essentially an "offer to buy" the on-chain asset, and committing the HTLC needs to be delayed until after the invoice is paid. However, since the secret is held by the invoice payer, he could choose not to claim the asset and let the invoice time out.

The invoice issuer (the seller) optionally may require the payment of a small non-refundable downpayment invoice prior to committing the HTLC in order to discourage insincere buyers and to cover his potential mining costs.
        -Note, however, that if a buyer allows the invoice to expire without claiming his purchase, then he will have his payment locked up for that duration, which already provides some built-in disincentive for bad behavior.

Finally, note that the EvrLight protocol could also be modified to use standard BOLT11 invoices rather than hold invoices. That would change which party acts first and who chooses the secret. There may be situations in which that has advantages. However, that approach has the disadvantage that it has no built-in disincentives for bad behavior by insincere buyers, so a non-refundable downpayment invoice would be required, making it less desirable.

The EvrLight HTLCs

    HTLC Contract:

        data: 0x20
        OP_EQUAL        ; limit the size of the secret to prevent a vulnerability
          data: the ripemd120 of the invoice Hash
          data: the Hash160 of buyer's REDEEM address
          data: the timeout in the future in Unix time    ;must be before invoice expiry
          data: the Hash160 of seller's REFUND address

    Sweep/Redeem scriptSig:

        Signature using the key for the buyer's selected address
        The PubKey of the buyer's address
        The full 32-byte secret preimage
        OP_1 (a "True" which indicates that the first clause in the contract is being chosen)
        The full HTLC contract hex

    Refund scriptSig:

        Signature using the key for the seller's refund address
        The PubKey of the seller's refund address
        OP_0 (a "False" which indicates that the second clause in the contract is being chosen)
        The full HTLC contract hex

Client-Side Code
The EvrLight client-side code must support building and signing three transaction types. The asset seller's code must build the commit and possibly a refund transaction, while the buyer's code must build a sweep/redeem transaction.

Details will vary by application. For instance, a media player app with in-app subscription purchases might only need sweep capability implemented in the stand-alone app. A different app might require both capabilities in a web-browser.

Keychain (Wallet)
    EvrLight by default does not specify its own wallet and private keys are never transmitted. The seller's software create an HTLC transaction locally using the private key associated with the address of his asset and EVR, and likewise the buyer's sofware creates a sweep/redeem transaction locally using the private key associated with his desired final address. The code uses the private keys supplied to it, which could come from a variety of keystores. In many cases, users do not need to even be aware of the existence of the Evrmore blockchain during the purchase or sale of an Evrmore asset. From their point of view, the asset appears to be on Lightning. Keeping track of which assets a user owns and at which addresses is application specific.

    For low/mid-value assets for Nostr users the Nostr keystore could be re-used so that the UTXO on the Evrmore blockchain could hold assets and EVR at an Evrmore address which is equivalent to the Nostr user's npubkey and could therefore be spent by their nseckey. An alternate address could be specified by the user in their Nostr profile if desired and the user might specify a different user's npubkey if they are giving the asset to someone else.

    Some apps may choose to re-use the Bitcoin keystore with the public keys translated to Evrmore addresses using Evrmore's address prefixes and encoding.

TLDR for Lightning experts:
  • EvrLight transactions are similar to a Reverse Submarine Swap using a hold/hodl invoice.
  • The swap is performed cross-chain with the Evrmore blockchain.
  • The commit transaction has two inputs: one points to an EVR UTXO and the other points to an asset UTXO.
  • The commit transaction has two HTLC outputs, both locked with the same hash and using the same timeout.
    • The first HTLC output has Value=0 and an Evrmore-defined asset script appended to the P2SH locking script which performs the asset transfer into the HTLC.
    • The second HTLC is a standard P2SH transfer of some bundled EVR into the HTLC to pay for future mining fees.
  • The sweep/redeem transaction has both of these HTLC UTXOs as inputs. It also has two outputs.
    • The first output has Value=0 and an Evrmore-defined asset script appended to the P2PKH scriptPubKey which performs the asset transfer into the final address.
    • The second HTLC is a standard P2PKH transfer of the bundled EVR minus the mining fee into the final address.
  • Client-side code must support building and signing three transaction types. The asset seller's code must build the commit and possibly a refund transaction, while the buyer's code must build a sweep/redeem transaction.
  • The contract terms are essentially unchanged from a Reverse Submarine Swap.
  • Key management will vary by application.

"In Theory There Is No Difference Between Theory and Practice, While In Practice There Is"

Copyright 2022,2023 by Hans Schmidt
Note: this is in no way related to the wonderful book "Mastering Bitcoin" by Andreas Antonopoulos